In August Toy Art Gallery hosted the Julius Toy Art Show presented by the Paul Frank Brand. The show featured customs of the Julius vinyl figures including the Brain Head Julius...
8 RELATED LINKS (Clic to view)This is Ryden's Brain, a YHWH customized by Emilio Garcia that will be available during the YHWH Custom Group Show at Toy Art Gallery, LA. This event will run from May 11th...
9 RELATED LINKS (Clic to view)Wow. Tonight Emilio Garcia presented ARThropod Brain by Tokyoplastic at the Toy Art Gallery... and it is spectacular. Brains + bugs + 3D printing + hand painted high gloss...
15 RELATED LINKS (Clic to view)Inspired by electron microscope images, macro photography and the often mind boggling weirdness of the insect world. We present an entirely new body of work, a synthesis between...
15 RELATED LINKS (Clic to view)
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